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Organizational Alignment


Organizational structure supports strategy by aligning human resources with processes and technologies.

Maritime Management Consulting analyzes business processes to determine resource requirements, and assesses the current organization design and skill mix to recommend changes in organization. Metrics are applied to gage the efficiency of the proposed organization.

Maritime Management Consulting has assisted clients in Organizational Alignment through:

  • Analysis of existing organizations
  • Identification of structural problems, management weaknesses, and personnel issues
  • Realignment of departments, divisions, and enterprises
  • Application of new technologies
  • Improvement of communications and information flow
  • Emphasis on knowledge management and corporate learning

Client Work and Other Experience



  • Organizational Alignment for US Government Agency: MMC was asked to assess the alignment of the various commands operationally linked to the Defense Supply Center Richmond and make recommendations for improving same. The MMC team deployed their proven methodology and approach, utilizing on-line surveys, on-site interviews and supporting analysis. Once the survey and interview data were gathered, MMC prepared an alignment profile report that summarized the findings and translated them into actionable recommendations for DSCR. DSCR has implemented many of the recommendations in their strategic plan going forward.
  • Organizational Alignment for the US Navy: MMC was selected as Prime Contractor for a major effort by the Commander Naval Surface Forces to assess the alignment of the various commands under CNSF and make recommendations for improving same. The MMC team developed a methodology and approach; created an on-line survey instrument; and performed interviews and supporting analysis. Once the survey and interview data were gathered, MMC developed an alignment profile report that summarizes the findings and translates them into actionable recommendations for the particular command under study. The contract is in year one of a three-year effort and the results are being well-received by CNSF; other USN organizations are also expressing an interest in taking part.
  • Organizational Structure: For a large ship operator, MMC re-designed the corporate organizational structure to match the work processes of the company. Job descriptions were developed for every management position in the new organization. The new structure was implemented over a period of two years.
  • Organizational Design: For a travel and leisure company in Hawaii, MMC assessed the organizational structure of the entire company and recommended a flatter, focused structure to capitalize on the specific strengths of the company’s employees. The new organization was put into place and both customer satisfaction and financial performance improved.
  • On-board Organizational Performance: For several cruise ship operators, MMC assessed the performance of the shipboard staff in terms of efficiency, customer focus, technical capabilities and communications:
  • One of the largest ships in the world had operating problems that needed to be pinpointed and corrected. MMC went on the ship and found organizational structure problems, maintenance and repair shortcomings, poor communications, and technical inadequacies. The recommendations to the president of the company were implemented and the ship has been operating smoothly for two decades.
  • An upscale cruise ship had a series of accidents and events that indicated more than simply mechanical problems. MMC sailed with the crew and determined that the organizational structure was preventing clear and timely communication among the crew. A number of recommendations were implemented and the accidents and events were eliminated.
  • Using techniques from Process Realignment and Total Quality Management, MMC restructured the onboard staff of all of the ships in the fleet of a large cruise ship operator. Customer satisfaction improved, performance to budget was achieved, and the staff morale increased.
  • New Business Model: MMC conducted business model redesign for the home-improvements division of a major US retailer, the goal being to increase sales and make more effective use of resources. Deliverables included a full employee-activities analysis, recommendations for top-to-bottom organization realignment and a pilot program for testing customer service delivery. Subsequent implementation of the recommendations has led to increased customer satisfaction scores, as well as lower operating and inventory costs.

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