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Government Vessels

Development of sophisticated new ships and conversions and performance of these complex contracts is sometimes improved by use of specialized expertise.

Maritime Management Consulting has served U.S. and international shipyards in winning and performing government contracts.

Maritime Management Consulting has experience with Naval Vessels including:

  • Market studies

  • Proposal preparation

  • Ship construction and ship repair litigation support

  • Planning, scheduling and project management

  • Facilitation of industry/government design teams

Client Work and Other Experience



  • Organizational Alignment for US Government Agency: MMC was asked to assess the alignment of the various commands operationally linked to the Defense Supply Center Richmond and make recommendations for improving same. The MMC team deployed their proven methodology and approach, utilizing on-line surveys, on-site interviews and supporting analysis. Once the survey and interview data were gathered, MMC prepared an alignment profile report that summarized the findings and translated them into actionable recommendations for DSCR. DSCR has implemented many of the recommendations in their strategic plan going forward.
  • Organizational Alignment for the US Navy: MMC was selected as Prime Contractor for a major effort by the Commander Naval Surface Forces to assess the alignment of the various commands under CNSF and make recommendations for improving same. The MMC team developed a methodology and approach; created an on-line survey instrument; and performed interviews and supporting analysis. Once the survey and interview data were gathered, MMC developed an alignment profile report that summarizes the findings and translates them into actionable recommendations for the particular command under study. The contract is in year one of a three-year effort and the results are being well-received by CNSF; other USN organizations are also expressing an interest in taking part.
  • Improvements to USN Manufacturing Operation: A United States Naval manufacturing facility critical to the mission capability for new and existing vessels was having problems with product quality, timely delivery and cost. MMC was part of a consulting team that examined the processes in detail, recommended substantive changes to existing processes, and analyzed the risks associated with various courses of action. Today, the facility's quality, cost and schedule performance have all substantially improved.
  • Navy Shipbuilding Proposals: MMC has assisted many of the major U.S. shipyards by writing technical and management proposals for new US Navy shipbuilding programs, including:
  • T-AKE Auxiliary Cargo Ammunition Ships
  • AOE-6 Fast Supply Ships
  • DDG-52 Aegis Destroyers
  • LHD-2 Amphibious Assault Ships
  • T-ADC(X) Design Study Proposal: On behalf of a US shipyard, MMC prepared a winning proposal for the first phase of the T-ADC(X) program, which developed trade-off studies and a preliminary design for a new US Navy supply ship. Our work included development of a Statement of Work for the engineering effort, and description of an innovative team approach and design decision-making method.
  • MPF(E) Proposal: MMC prepared a technical and management proposal for conversion of a large foreign-flag containership into a MPF(E) vessel for the US Marine Corp. Work included description of the design, the proposed engineering process, construction approach, facilities, prime and subcontractor responsibilities, and project management and control methods.
  • Naval Engineering Demand: For an engineering firm, MMC analyzed the US naval engineering market. Segmentation of this market included research and development, ship design and construction, logistics and maintenance, operations, facilities, and naval air programs. Recent expenditures and near term budgets were tabulated for each segment. Promising areas for marketing activity were identified.
  • Military RO/RO Conversion: For the conversion of a large US Navy RO/RO to a Marine Corp MPF(E) vessel, MMC assisted a U.S. shipyard in development of a requirements compliance database. Work included defining record and field structures, and analyzing and decomposing the Marine Corp’s Circular of Requirements into discrete elements. MMC organized a team of shipyard and Government personnel to use this tool to identify gaps between required performance and existing ship capabilities. MMC provided team-building exercises and facilitated planning, statusing and work sessions to ensure that the team functioned at a high level.
  • Naval Supply Ship Construction: Incorporation of a prototype propulsion system and contract design flaws had an adverse impact on a shipyard’s cost and schedule performance during the construction of a series of auxiliary ships for the US Navy. MMC assisted the shipyard’s attorneys in preparation of an REA that portrayed the interactive financial and schedule impacts of the contract flaws.
  • Naval Oceanographic Research Ship Construction: For a U.S. Shipyard, MMC assisted the client’s counsel in preparing a claim against the US Navy for engineering changes that occurred during the design and construction of a prototype oceanographic research ship. Quantification of schedule and financial impact included delay, disruption and acceleration.
  • Naval Auxiliary Ship Conversion: Two shipyards submitted claims to the UK Ministry of Defense for added compensation and schedule relief related to construction of fleet auxiliary ships. The contracts were flawed in the treatment of a sophisticated command and control system, leading to claims by both the shipbuilder and follow shipbuilder. Working on behalf of the Royal Navy, MMC reviewed each Contractor’s actual cost and schedule performance and prepared a rebuttal to the quantification of entitlement.
  • Navy Ship Repair Proposals: MMC has developed technical and management proposals for major US Navy repair and overhaul programs, including:
  • Cruiser and Destroyer Continuous Maintenance Program (CG 47, DD 963)
  • Cruiser EDSRA Program (CG 53)
  • Aegis Destroyer Continuous Maintenance Program (DDG 51)
  • LPD Phased Maintenance Programs
  • FFG Phased Maintenance Programs
  • LST Phased Maintenance
  • Destroyer and Frigate ROHs
  • USN Cruiser Overhaul: Working for a ship repairer, MMC developed a planning method to support a zone-outfitting approach to overhaul and life cycle extension of a US Navy cruiser. A team of yard repair managers was trained in use of this system, and MMC facilitated development of detailed zone plans and work items from the Navy’s conventional ship system-based specifications.
  • Destroyer Overhauls: Constructive changes to a contract for major alterations and repairs of three destroyers resulted in preparation of an REA to the US Navy on behalf of a US shipyard. MMC prepared financial and schedule analyses to portray the impact of changes on the basic work scope. Cause and effect documentation supported substantial recovery for the shipyard.
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